We are proud to announce that #TRI's Dr. Ravi Chandran and our partners at #CPFD were recognized for the innovative work we have done to model deep fluid bed gasification which is essential to the processing of wastes and biomass to renewable fuels and chemicals. The IChemE Global Awards 2020 have selected and... read more →
Velocys has issued a news release on the appointment of their engineering partner, and as part of their technology package for both their Mississippi and United Kingdom projects, TRI’s expertise has been highlighted. For more information and to read the full release, please go to: https://www.velocys.com/2020/02/03/velocys-appoints-worley-as-engineering-partner/
TRI Gets Full Notice to Proceed on Contract to Support 11 Million Gallon Per Year Renewable Waste-to-Fuels Facility near Reno, Nevada 500 ton per day, state-of the-art Fulcrum BioEnergy facility uses TRI technologies and equipment to cleanly convert garbage to renewable jet fuels for major global airlines Tahoe-Reno Industrial Park,... read more →
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TRI is pleased to announce a non-exclusive partnership with Velocys plc in support of their commercial integrated biorefinery program. As part of being their preferred gasification technology provider, TRI will integrate Velocys’ Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) technology with our gasification technology, both of which have been previously demonstrated. This joint Biomass to Liquids... read more →
TRI was successful in acquiring sponsorship from the DOE for Phase 1 pilot plant improvements, including the development of 2nd generation pulse combustor technology. These advancements will lead to more cost-effective integrated biorefineries (IBR) with increased liquid fuel yields, enabling smaller scale IBRs utilizing distributed biomass resources like wood and... read more →
“One of the differentiators of Fulcrum compared to other companies pursuing Fischer-Tropsch (FT) is that it has operated a three-barrel-per-day pilot facility in North Carolina, through its technology providers ThermoChem Recovery International (TRI) and Emerging Fuels Technology (EFT). The operational data and process validations from its pilot facility will play... read more →
We are happy to share a concise graphic developed by BP and Fulcrum that cuts to the heart of their, and TRI’s, important collaborative activities. Using waste materials that would otherwise be sent to landfills, we are collectively producing and supplying high-performance renewable jet fuel to the market, and thereby... read more →
TRI is pleased to share the breaking news that BP is supporting Fulcrum BioEnergy’s visionary plans to build, own, and operate multiple North American biorefineries converting MSW to jet fuels utilizing TRI’s proprietary steam-reforming technologies. The first Fulcrum MSW-to-jet project using TRI’s technology and specialized equipment will convert 500 tons... read more →
Our team is hard at work turning one person’s trash into another person’s treasure! At the TRI Advanced Development Center (ADC) in Durham, North Carolina, our process development specialists are currently commissioning our newest addition to the ADC - a small scale pilot reactor that enables us to better isolate... read more →
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